Learning Objectives

  1. Critique the various case scenarios
  2. Appreciate the complexity of patient’s presentations to multidisciplinary practices
  3. Summarize the educational value of working with an integrated health care team

1:15pm "The ballooning balloon"
1:30pm “Can We Really Predict Poor Psych Outcomes?”
Stephanie Sogg, PhD
1:45pm “The Bloomin’ Onion”
Brandon Grover, DO FASMBS
2:00pm “Oops, I did it again”
Nina Crowley, PhD RD LD
2:15pm “How slow is too slow?”
Matthew Brengman, MD
2:30pm “I’ve never seen this before. A rare unexpected encounter”
Karen Schulz, MSN CNS CBN
2:45pm “Little Shop of Horrors: When Plants Try to Turn Your Bariatric Patient”
Jason Kempenich, MD
3:00pm “Geriatric bariatric decision points”
Josh Pfeiffer, MD FASMBS
3:15pm Adjourn